Taekwon-Do ITF

Taekwon-do este o disciplină, o artă marțială, în mod specific arta lovirii cu picioarele și mâinile, a cărei filozofie se bazează pe principiile curtoaziei, integrității, perseverenței, stăpânirii de sine și spiritului indomitabil.

Taekwon-Do means literally "The art of foot and hand". It was founded by General Choi Hong Hi (9th Degree) of Korea, gaining official recognition on April 11th, 1955. It was developed as the result of many years of research into other martial arts and into the application of modern physics to blocking and striking techniques. The aim with Taekwon-Do was to develop the most powerful martial art in existence, and science was the tool used to make this possible.

Master Florin 7th Degree Black Belt ITF